Saturday, 6 February 2010

Good 'ol FRIENDS!

Well it goes without saying that time really flies! Carlin and Ashley (and Baby LIAM) came down for the weekend the first week of school. So we all got together for dinner and games (well one game in particular... "Killer Bunny" hum... I'm still trying to understand it, but it was fun non the less.) Dan Castelano and his wife as well as his sister and her husband and baby and Kevin and I all went over to Ashley's parents house. Oh goodness it was sooo great to get together. As I look back at where we were 7 years ago, never did I think the day of marraige and babies would be here so soon; but boy do I love it!

p.s. I absolutely LOVE putting Liam to sleep. After not beign able to hold children for 18 months, I soaked it all in as he fell asleep in my arms! Well and not to mention he is just an adorable baby!

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